Sunday, January 2, 2011

Inquiry based learning !!!!

Student centered learning, is a term reflect the new style in teaching and it is giving the teachers and the students many and different responsibilities. One of these responsibilities which the new learning style asked the teachers to do is using the modern teaching strategies like; the problem based learning, Project based learning, Authentic learning, active learning and Inquiry based learning ( IBL ). Today I will focus on IBL because it is the most interesting strategy that I liked and applied on my students.
First let me mention the meaning of IBL as I understood; it is an information-processing model that allows students to discover certain information through a series of steps that lead to a conclusion or reflection on the newly attained knowledge. So, my students have to look at questions or problems, search for answers, reflect on what they find and integrate the information they find with their knowledge of the problem. After that, and in my point view I think that my students will conclude with many benefits like, they will reach them to the high thinking, how to reflect themselves, how to build a new knowledge based on their previous knowledge, how to analyze problems and how to solve it.

I think that the most interesting thing that help the teacher in follow this strategy in learning that it there are many examples of IBL for different levels of students. Super 3 and Big 6 are the same they are both asked the student to analyze a problem and solve it by follow series steps but the different between them that the Super 3 is using for children because it has only three steps to solve any problem. Also there is another example of IBL and it is Web Quest and this I will discussed on the next blog.

At the end I think that I have to know more about IBL, about its examples and how to use them in my teaching. Also, I have to help my students to reach all benefits of this strategy in learning because I want them to be able to understand the world around them, analyst, reflect and solve its problems.

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