Sunday, January 2, 2011


One of the most interesting kind of activities which help our student to achieve the global learning; the critical thinking and the problem solving learning is the Web Quest. It is one of the Inquiry based earning examples which based on searching on different sources on the NET certain information which help in solving certain problem. I applied it on my students and they really interested and benefited from it. I chose an interesting topic to them; I asked them to design a poster under some rubrics which contain information related to the main topic. After that, my students conclude with many things like they reached high level of thinking, explore many new information, their knowledge was extended, worked in teams and learn by project based.

I followed the five basic steps of the Web Quest. I started it with an introduction contained a problem for a student in their age and face a real life problem which most of them were faced it too. Then I asked them to solve it by working in groups. Then I asked each group certain tasks to do, after in the process step I gave each member in the group a task to do like one of them search the information and the other collected them and organized them ect…..  Then in the evaluation step I put the rubric that I will evaluated them by it. At the end I concluded with some smile faces which congratulated them.

I was chosen the web quest activity in learning, because of many reasons; it is easy to create, it would let my students work in their space by themselves or with team, search about in depth about certain information and at the end I would to help my students to become creative researchers rather than simply surfing from one site to another.

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