Friday, October 22, 2010

The roles of ICT in classroom

Eight years ago, when I finished my secondary school's years, my parents gave me the complete freedom of choice in the selection of university specialization. And, because I was very interest in computers and the new technologies appeared that time, I choose the Computer engineering major. I was very interest in computer and other new technologies because I was thinking that IT is the future and I have to belong to this future and be one of its developing members. Then, I worked hard and got the bachelor's degree and worked as a teacher after few months from the graduating. From this step of my life, I can develop the future and be part of it by developing myself in teaching and IT then developing my student's computing skills.  

Now a day, computers and other technologies are playing major roles in teaching and educations, this is because we are in the 21st century and every thing around us is changing very fast and we have to build students whose can follow this changing without any basic challenges. Also, we have to help them to implement their personalities and knowledge depends on the meaning of the globalization and its effects on our life.  To help these students, as a teacher, I have to use new strategies and technologies to teach them, I have to use student-centered learning ( SCL ), group work, projects and many other strategies. Also, I have to use the ICT in teaching and this is the important thing which I will take about in a while. In addition, this use of ICT will help me and my students to achieve the new style of learning which is help us to access the global information by Internet, learning in a collaborative environment, communicate with each other by using new technologies and exchange the authentic experiences.

The computer inside my classroom is playing three major roles; I used it as a tutor, tool and tutee. As a tutor, when I provide for them online educational software to educate and play, and when I give them tutorials software to present some subjects material, to solve different related questions and response and then the computer "tutor" evaluate these responses. From the result the students can determine their levels and what to do next. But, using it as a tool is the most use of it inside the classroom; I used it in preparing and presenting the teaching presentations by using Microsoft office applications. The students are using it as a tool also by using the same applications as me to work in their projects. We used it also, as a mind tool, especially when we communicate with each other through the Facebook, twitter and other celebration networks. In addition, only me_ the teacher_ is using the computer as a tutee. I was using it to create different tutorials to my students using the different programming languages same as Java.

Finally, I think I have to increase my using of the computer inside the classroom and let it play its three roles in different ways. I promise to work hard for that.

Taylor, R. P. (1980). Introduction. In R. P. Taylor (Ed.), The computer in school: Tutor, tool, tutee (pp. 1-10). New York: Teachers College Press.
Reprinted by permission of the publisher from Taylor, R., Ed., The Computer in School: Tutor, Tool, Tutee, (New York: Teachers College Press, © 1980 by Teachers College, Columbia University. All rights reserved.), pp. 1-10. To order copies, please contact All rights reserved.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Student-Centered Learning !!!!

Student-centered learning ( SCL ), is a term which was always hesitating to my ears during the last three years, my experiences years in teaching. I was heard it from many persons, in many courses and lectures. I still remembered the first words that my senior teacher told me about the learning and how to be a modern teacher not to be a traditional one, she said that I have to know and understand the meaning of the term SCL, how to apply it and how to let it be my teaching style. Also, I heard it from other teachers and other administration's persons from the ministry. Then, I realized the importance of it and how it is helping the students in many and different ways and is helping me also in achieving my basic goals in teaching like building  students self esteem , preparing students for higher learning and assisting students to become independent and self regulated learners.

Before, when I started teaching, I was confused and don’t know how to be a good teacher and how to apply the SCL to achieve that goodness but then, when I was reading more about it, asking the other professional teachers and attending their classes, I found the correct ways to teach and to use the SCL. The most thing that was confused me what is my role inside the class, I knew that I had to be a good manager and leader which have the control over everything, but should I have to be the center of the teaching process or should I let the students be the center and give them chance to explore and achieve the lesson goals by themselves. After, few months I could take a general ideas and knowledge about the SLC and how much it is important to the students and to the teacher himself.

I found that I had to be a facilitator and the resource person during the teaching process but not an information presenter. Also, I had to help the students to build their personality, their knowledge and to be interdependent. After these understandings of the meaning of SCL and its benefits, I tried to use some teaching strategies which are helped me to apply the SCL like,  teaching by projects, by group work,  by discussions, practical practices and activities. Therefore, I have to change my evaluations and assessments styles, I have to depend on the projects. Work groups and students portfolio.

At the end, I think that I have to learn more about SLC, read more, see other teachers experiences and take courses related to this topic same as in BTC ( Bahrain Teachers Collage ). Specially, I have to learn more about it to achieve its real values which are emphasis by Edwards (2001) when he said " Placing learner at the heart of the learning process and meeting their needs, is taken a progressive step on which learner-centered approaches mean that persons are able to  learn what is relevant for them in ways that are appropriate. Waste in hummen and educational resources is reduced as it suggested learners no longer have to learn what they already know" (Edwards 2001:37)

1.      Student centered learning: what does it mean for students and lectures?
            Geraldine O'Neill and Tim McMahon, University College Dublin
2.      Edwards, R (2001 page 37 ) Meeting individual learner needs: power, subject, subjctio. In C Peachter,M.Preedy, D.Scott and J.Soler (Eds) London SAGE

Monday, October 11, 2010

About me...!!!

My name is Amani, am 26 years old, graduated from University Of Bahrain in 2008 with a degree in Computer Engineering. My experiences were as follow:
  •  Worked in Capital Institute as ( Assistant of Computer Department ) _ 9 months
  •   Worked in SNC Lavalin Engineering Company as a Reception_9 months
  •   Worked in National Concrete Company as a Secretary in the Account Department_ 2 months.
  •   Working in Ministry of Education as a Computer Teacher in Arad primary Boys School _3 years 
  I have many hopes, I like reading classic stories, browsing the NET, swimming and the most one is cooking. I love cooking; I am always cooking for my family. I have cooked different mani courses from different international kitchens like, Arabian Gulf kitchen, Egyptian, Chainless and Italian kitchen.